Fall back on fall

71971_491080770049_662125049_7503267_42071_nIts raining in South India now. I am seated by my window with a piping cup of local chai, watching the rain pattering on the glass. Its a beautiful feeling. I still have a few books to read and there’s nothing that can beat the beautiful combination of hot masala chai, a great book in hand and the monsoon. The swell of the ocean brings about a now familiar November and December as the North-East Monsoon sets in.

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Home away from home

67260_491075315049_662125049_7503082_7953725_nCanada was a home away from home for me and shall always hold special memories. It’s been some time since I have left Vancouver where I had gone to University to advance my undergraduate degree and as is the norm, some memories vanish with time and yet there are some that hold on to you for life. It is the latter that I shall attempt to write down to the best of what I can recollect from my time there, which was over three years ago. While I may not be very eloquent with words because I write from memory than from immediate events, I have plenty of photographs that highlight the best of my time there, a few of which I share here.

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